
City Properties Management is a proactive company that helps take all of the pressures off of the Board. They have given us necessary and quality guidance in every aspect of property management, enabling us to make appropriate financial, staffing, and quality of life decisions, while knowing that every aspect of our community is being addressed professionally. This makes life much easier for our Board and all of our resident

Mir Hassan Shahani,
Web Technology Specialist

I am highly satisfied with the Properties Management staff and services of City Properties Real Estate and Management Company. It’s not easy leaving your valuable assets in someone else’s hands, but without hesitation, I immediately felt comfortable and assured with his approach and technological efficiency. Everything he promised was delivered above my expectations. The staff were equally efficient and professional each time I needed their assistance. Thanks again for alleviating apprehensions and delivering these services with your unique style. Highly recommended for anyone who needs a 21st century property management company

Ajay Bhaghwat,
Manager in Bank

Just a quick line to say a big thank you to you and your staff . To date you have been a great help and have gone above and beyond expectations with your service and professionalism . Keep up the good work."

Maher Ahmed,
Technology Consultant